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Returns a list of all facilities in the database, with key information about each. For more information about how facilities are classified in the database, please consult the documentation that accompanies the test data.


get_facilities(..., test_db = FALSE)



List of attribute-value pairs with which to filter the list of returned facilities.


Retrieve this data from the test database? Defaults to FALSE.


A tibble with one facility per row, and one column per attribute for each facility.


# Return a list of all community-led facilities in the database
get_facilities(delivery_model == "Community-led facility", test_db = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 15
#>   facility_type facility_id facility_attribute_id name          physical_address
#>   <chr>         <chr>       <chr>                 <chr>         <chr>           
#> 1 Asset         A26         FA174                 Buckland Com… Cnr Logan and B…
#> 2 Asset         A208        FA118                 Puni Hall     329 Waiuku Road 
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: local_board <chr>, latitude <lgl>, longitude <lgl>,
#> #   designation <chr>, delivery_model <chr>, facility_ownership <chr>,
#> #   closed <lgl>, staffed <lgl>, leased <lgl>, entry_access_type <chr>